Salvation Testimony of Hugh Alexander Jackman
Prior to salvation in 1993, Hugh was a very successful business entrepreneur. In fact, he had become known as the co-promoter of Europe’s largest Afro Hair and Beauty Show, (Afro Hair and Beauty). Having achieved success at a young age, Hugh began to achieve acclaim in the world of Black media. He also sang and produced Music, working with many famous artistes.
As his fame and fortune grew so likewise did the desires of the flesh. Although temptation seemed everywhere, By the grace of God alone, Hugh refused to allow himself to be fully drawn into the world of sin. This brought a backlash form hell.
Everything seemed to be going so well and then out of the blue, sickness and stress began to take a hold of him. Things began to spiral in a downward direction.
These were cold dark days for Hugh Alexander who was now being treated for what was termed yupee flu but finally, I was diagnosed with a condition known as M.E.
Hugh found himself in the hands of a local private quack who introduced him to a temporary fix for the pain. They were known as uppers and downers. Hugh Alexander now in constant pain caused by the condition, resorted to taking Diazepam pills as many as four times a day, and then drinking a quarter of Jack Daniel’s every night in order to get to sleep. He spent most of his days in a drugged state of Euphoria, through he was still smiling, It was in the very worst way, a walking hell on earth.
Eventually as his life and conditions continued to spiral, Hugh Alexander became reclusive, sad, bitter and angry, he even rejected any knowledge he had of Jesus Christ (for he had a Catholic upbringing) but rather began seeking alternative healing and other faiths. The following is Hugh’s personal narrative of his salvation and journey to Christianity.
The following is hugh’s account of how he became a born again believer in Jesus Christ.
“I was driving my car on the A40 at 80 MPH my body racked with pain, (the diazepam now unable to treat the symptoms), I had the good fortune to be given a copy of an album by Aretha Franklyn which had a track on it called “walk in the light”. For some reason, I was completely drawn to the spirit behind the music, although I didn’t understand it at all. You see I had been suffering deep depression and had not been able to stop crying for days prior to this. My only joy (other than playing with my then two year old daughter, Janah) was to listen to this mysterious song.
As I was driving, I played this song over and over, then the words suddenly became real to me. I pulled may car to the side of the road, and cried out to Jesus for help. I said Jesus if you are real please help me! Please let me walk in the light! I cried a river of tears that day, as a sweet presence (which I now know as the Holy Spirit) overshadowed me and with each passing wave of light and heat, I was assured of his love. I literally felt the reality of the presence of the Lord in the car with me. I yielded myself to that presence and for a full thirty minutes I experienced the undeniable feeling of being washed in his loving grace.
After this time, I thought if I could just open my eyes and look behind in the back seat of the car, I would see the face of the Lord for I knew he was in the car with me but being afraid, I would not turn around, eventually I mustered the courage to turn and when I did, the presence immediately left the back seat of the car and entered my heart. I wasn’t disappointed because he was now in me! I knew I had met with the Lord. I was healed instantly and never took those painkillers again. Ever since that day my life has been devoted to him”
I would love to tell you that from that day its been a bed of roses, but that would not be true. In fact, life since then hasn’t always been perfect for me but that is because I had a lot of unlearning to do.
In the World, we develop certain traits that need to be removed from us, sometimes that process is painful. I have been through divorce, business failure, sickness and ministry failure all since becoming a Christian, however, I would not change a single thing, because all things really do work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
The Bible says in Psalms 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all. This is my testimony. As I have passed through various afflictions, I have grown in Wisdom. My life has become a great testimony for others. Now the Lord uses me to minister to people all around the World with a special anointing for teaching the message of Faith, grace and Sonship.
This is the bio of
Dr Hugh Alexander Jackman
Author | Producer | Psalmist | Seer
Believe it or not, Hugh Alexander Jackman was a young idealistic disrupter in the world of music, fashion and beauty. He was called to the ministry in 1994 after which he spent 18 years in three pastorates. All of the churches he founded continue in some form today. As a former disrupter, Hugh was drawn by the Spirit to the world of TV. Consequently, his name has been associated with UK Christian broadcasting since its inception.
He served at many major organisations including Identity TV, God TV, and the RCCG’s Dove TV.
In 2006, He founded, Europe’s first online TV network. Perhaps his most notable work was a presenter and Bible study host on the popular revelation tv. Today he resides in Spain, from where he now ministers the Christian message of faith, grace and power, virtually to the nations via Spirit and Life Ministries
Hugh also writes, sings and produces inspirational soul music under the name of Hugh Alexander and the label Soul for your Soul.