WE are Moving Spirit and Life Ministries back to the UK
In 2013 we packed our bags and left the UK heading for a warmer climate but most of all for the opportunity to work with Revelation TV in Spain. That was eight years ago now. I recently made my final broadcast with rtv as it has become abundantly clear to me that my personal assignment with the channel has come to an end.
So what happens now? Dr Hugh and Spirit and Life TV be heading back to the UK to establish a new studio and to be involved with the formation of a new online Christian television service which is due to launch later this year called Grace247.
We need your help! We have an immediate need to overcome! The challenge ahead for us right now, is to move our equipment and furnishings which we have acquired over the last eight years to a location in Northamptonshire where Dr Hugh and Spirit and Life will be broadcasting from. This will not be the final destination. This is purely a stopgap whilst we work on securing a complete studio facility.
Our total moving costs have come to 2.5 thousand pounds and whilst we have been able to secure our new location, we are still £1000 short. Will you help us? Dr Hugh is looking for people to donate £100 £50 or £25 to help us take up the shortfall. Will you be one of them? If you feel lead to help please click the link or scan the QR code below.
At Spirit and Life, we believe in the Biblical principles of sowing and reaping. When you give to a genuine organisation or individual being moved by the spirit of God, there will always be a reward from God. We pray that reward will be great for you as you help us at this juncture in our ministry.
Thank you so much for helping me spread the GOOD NEWS!
May God bless you as you give.
OR Scan QR code to donate
