hugh alexander jackman teaching series
The following teachings were done as part of the Daylight TV program which airs on Sunday morning on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter at 8AM – Click an image below to see the full series. currently available on YouTube and other soon launching networks.
The Bible has so much to tell us about angels. Angels are real, they have been sent by God to minister or to be ministers on the behalf of those who are inheriting salvation. They’ve been sent by God the father to serve the body of Christ. In the short series of programs we are looking into the origins, purpose and function of these mysterious creatures.
Did you know there are pictures of Jesus Christ, And His earthly and heavenly mission hidden within the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Jesus the Aleph Tav explores the writings of King David in Psalm 119, Serving as a foundation for a life changing encounter with the Word of God. Jesus the Aleph Tav explores 23 amazing stanzas, packed with lost truths, testimonies and revelations which categorically demonstrate that Jesus is both Christ for the church and the Jewish Messiah. And that He is the Saviour of the World.
Listening for the voice of God – URIM and signs Are they part of our walk today as believers?
thinking like jesus
The current and latest series of Daylight! Our subject is thinking like Jesus!! Is it scriptural and possible to think the way Christ thought? How does the enemy attack our thought life? Text your thoughts LIVE or email Please remember to share this broadcast with your friends and family.
the faith component
features a series of interviews with specially selected men and women of God who have a special anointing and story. It is my hope that this program will promote evangelism and out reach and so I encourage you to share the program when we go live.
New Music from Hugh Alexander
Hugh Alexander Music
Latest Video
Hugh Alexander Jackman (DMin)
Author | TV Presenter | Media founder | Seer
Welcome to the family!
I am so glad that you took the time to visit us today. We are living in extremely precarious times. Days of much confusion, misinformation and misdirection. Social media is filled with so many conspiracy theories, lies and deceptions from the enemy.
We hope that your visit here today will offer you a break from all of these things. In fact, my prayer is that you will find nothing but truth in the pages of this site. As you peruse the materials here, do feel free to contact me with your thoughts, testimonies, dreams and visions. Let’s build fellowship together. Please remember also to click the adjacent link to be added to our mailing list.
Love, Hugh Alexander

Get the Book NOW
Click yes please if you would like to have Facts versus Truth Audio Mp3 today. This book has been narrated by the author Hugh Alexander Jackman with perfect clarity so you can listen to the message whist you work rest and play. Get it today and start receiving God’s amazing wisdom regarding the real truth.
New Book release by Dr. Hugh – Jesus the Aleph Tav
Did you know there are pictures of Jesus Christ and His earthly and heavenly mission hidden within the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet?
Jesus the Aleph Tav explores the inspired writings of King David in Psalm 119, serving as a foundation for a life changing encounter with the Word of God.
Jesus the Aleph Tav explores Psalm 119’s 22 amazing stanzas, unpacking many lost truths, testimonies and revelations which categorically demonstrate that Jesus is both Christ for the church and the Jewish Messiah. No matter what your background may be, when you read this book, you will be convinced that He is the Saviour of the World.
I invite you to join me as we unpack these deep hidden meanings from Psalm 119 together.
Click here to download a free chapter.